third grade screener all on one page

third grade screener all on one page


When completing the screener, and asked to enter a number, make sure you only enter numbers, do not add CM or $ or % or any other variable.

When entering fractions, one half is entered as this: 1/2

A mixed number like one and one third is entered as this: 1 1/3 (with a space between the whole number and the fraction)

Decimals always are entered with the leading 0, for example two tenths is entered as 0.2

The result of the screener is shown on your screen immediately after submitting the information and you will also get an email with a link to the same results.

When I do calculation I use my fingers

When I do calculations I use tally marks

I know my multiplication tables

I love doing puzzles

I am good at word problems

Ten more than = 38

Ten rows of 15 tiles is tiles

42 rounded to the nearest 10 =

2 x 18 =

81 ÷ 9 =

7 x 8 =

7 x 7 = 5 x 7 + 2 x 

3 more then 407 = 

= ten more than 321

100 - 98 =

100 less than = 567

425 = hundreds less than 725

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